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Фото. Вселенная

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The Whirlpool Galaxy


One of the most famous and photographed astronomical objects, the Whirlpool Galaxy is perhaps the finest example of the classic spiral "grand design." In fact, it was the first celestial object in which spiral structure was observed, by Irish astronomer Lord Rosse (William Parsons) in 1845.

Note that we actually have here a pair of galaxies, involved in an intricate cosmic dance. The smaller galaxy, known only as NGC 5195 is actually behind the larger M51, as can be discerned by the dark clouds of dust in one of M51's spiral arms silhouetted against NGC 5195. Theories of how spiral arms form in galaxies indicate that it may actually be the influence of a close neighbor such as this one that gives rise to the arms in the first place.

Another result of this gravitational tango is the throwing off of huge swaths of material from the galaxies into intergalactic space, seen here as the faint creamy "extra arms" extending away from the galaxies.


Spiral Galaxy NGC 4565


This spiral galaxy is oriented nearly edge-on, tilted only about four degrees as seen from our vantage point. This affords us a wonderful view of the copious amounts of dust within its disk, seen in silhouette as the mottled dark lane that seems to slice the galaxy into two thin halves.

Another classic feature of spiral galaxies displayed beautifully by NGC 4565 is the bulge of stars near the center of the disk. Central bulges typically contain ancent, yellow stars dating back to the formation of the galaxy.

Proceeding deeper toward the center of the galaxy, we are also able to see the nucleus of NGC 4565 directly, just peeking out from the center of the disk and appearing as a bright star-like point. If it were not for our favorable viewing angle, NGC 4565 might appear very similar to NGC 891, another wonderful example of a nearly edge-on spiral galaxy, but in which the nucleus is completely obscured by the dust lanes.


The Road to the Texas Star Party


A number of us convoyed out to TSP together. It was quite fun. We kept in touch with each other on our two-way radios, and we practiced finding our way across our great state by celestial navigation....

This composite image was produced by digitally combining two photographs. The picture of the cars and road was taken during an actual trek out to the 2003 Texas Star Party by members of the Austin Astronomical Society. The galaxy is the fabulous edge-on specimen, NGC 4565.


Nebula NGC 281
in Mapped Color



The Andromeda Galaxy



Spiral Galaxy NGC 5033



The Pleiades (M45)


The famous Pleiades are a cluster of young, hot (and therefore blue) stars. Their intense light can be seen in this image to be reflecting off of vast clouds of interstellar gas and dust. The brightest stars of the Pleiades, resembling a miniature Big Dipper, are easily visible on winter nights, even from somewhat light-polluted locations.


The Merope Nebula


The brilliant star Merope is one of the members of the Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, a cluster of young, hot stars about 400 light years from earth. Intense bluish light from Merope illuminates wisps of cosmic dust which appear to swaddle the young stars in blankets of nebulosity.

For a wider view of the entire Pleiades and surrounding area, click here.


16 March 2003



Spiral Galaxy M101


This beautiful face-on spiral galaxy lies at a distance from us of approximately 24 million light years. It is listed at magnitude 7.9, which is fairly bright as galaxies go, but due to its extended nature its surface brightness is fairly low.

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